Jellow has launched many apps for people with speech and communication difficulties.
Jellow Basic and Jellow Plus cater to people with autism, cerebral palsy and downs syndrome, while Jellow Care caters to people with stroke and aphasia like conditions. Using Jellow talk can be used by people with hearing difficulties to communicate with others.
If you want to organise a workshop with Jellow write to us at jellowcommunicator@gmail.com
Learn more about Jellow at www.jellow.org
Keywords: Autismawareness, Communication System, Language ability, AAC Communicator, iOS, Andriod, Voice to Speech/Speak, Autism, Cerebral palsy (CP), Speech difficulty/Impairment, JellowCare, AAc, Aphasia, Stroke, lossofspeech, icons, userfriendly, pictures, text, soundJellowTalk, texttospeech, speechtotext, , text, sound, continuous listening, Make my Board, Icons, Customisation, Customise, Personalise, Communication System, Emotional Language Protocol, Language ability, Icons, Child Friendly, Graphics, Multiple languages,