Jellow Care’s yes / no system proves useful as it does not burden the brain to process to many choices. It is the right choice to provide immediate assistance.for recovering from speech and communication disabilities in adults with Aphasia like condition due to stroke or head injury or tumor or disease.
Jellow Care is available on Android and will be available soon on the iOS platform.
Write to us at jellowcommunicator@gmail.com
Learn more about Jellow at https://jellow.org/jellow-care.php
Keywords: JellowCare, AAc ,Stroke, lossofspeech , icons, userfriendly, pictures , text , sound, aphasia, speechtherapy, stroke, slp strokeawareness, strokerecovery, speechlanguagepathology, strokerehab, strokesurvivors, strokerehabilitation , dysphagia, strokesurvivorsneverquit, speechpathology , occupationaltherapy, speech, brokenbrain, leftbrainstroke , autism, strokelife, brain, strokerecoverylife, strokewarrior, speechlanguagepathologist, physicaltherapy