Jellow Care provides predefined expressive sentences that can be used by users to communicate, during their stay at the hospital or during their recovery at home. Moreover, this application allows a simple yes or no, single-touch interaction which makes it easier to use.
The app is available on Android and will be available soon on the iOS platform.
Write to us at jellowcommunicator@gmail.com Learn more about Jellow Care visit https://jellow.org/jellow-care.php
Keywords: JellowCare, AAc ,Stroke, lossofspeech , icons, userfriendly, pictures , text , sound, aphasia, speechtherapy, stroke, slp strokeawareness, strokerecovery, speechlanguagepathology, strokerehab, strokesurvivors, strokerehabilitation , dysphagia, strokesurvivorsneverquit, speechpathology , occupationaltherapy, speech, brokenbrain, leftbrainstroke , autism, strokelife, brain, strokerecoverylife, strokewarrior, speechlanguagepathologist, physicaltherapy